Year 7 Science students investigated the grassland ecosystem at Werribee Open Range Zoo

Grasslands are an amazing resource with a diverse range of species that interact together.

On 8th June our year 7 science students went on an exciting excursion to the Open Range Werribee Zoo.

The objectives of the field research were to provide students with an opportunity to:

Students were guided through activities that involved observation. They discovered the diverse array of living and non living things that interact within the grassland ecosystem. The role humans have had to play in causing the dramatic changes in this ecosystem over time and the impact this has had on wildlife was explored. Students learned about a Recovery Program we have for a locally threatened grassland species and the role we can all play in helping to fight its extinction. The student’s challenge at the Zoo was to find examples of the positive ways in which humans and animals co-exist in grasslands of the world. The Safari Tour was the most exciting part of this excursion and students explored the Sahara ecosystem. Also, it was a great team work from the teachers accompanied.

Mr Arshad Mahmood, Ms Ismahan Eren and Ms Sumaya El Sayed